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March 18, 1911
Front of Check
Back of Check
April 15, 1915 Summary of debt (Page 1) April 15, 1915 Summary of debt (Page 2)


  April 15, 1915 Summary of debt (Back of Page 2)


Notes for Loan #1 Notes for Loan #2


  Notes for Loan #3


LOAN PAPERS: Frank Lloyd Wright to D. D. Martin
1)  Frank Lloyd Wright, The Lost Years, 1910-1922.  Page 72-73 including footnotes, Anthony Alofsin, 1988.  Sub-chapter "Darwin Marin and Finances" goes into detail about these specific loans and his support of Frank Lloyd Wright.
2)  Frank Lloyd Wright: A Visual Encyclopedia.  Page 208, Iain Thomson, 1999.  Francis W. Little was a client and dedicated collector of Japanese prints.  Mr. Wright borrowed $10,000 from Little to buy the American rights to the Wasmuth Portfolios.  Little held a portfolio of Wright's Japanese prints as collateral
3)  For additional information on these loans see Frank Lloyd Wright: A Biography, Page 207-8.  Meryle Secrest. 1992.
1911 1) March 10, 1911.  This is a demand of payment by the Security National Bank of Minneapolis, of a Promissory note for $4,000 by Frank Lloyd Wright "Maker of said note".  Evidently DD Martin and Francis W. Little guaranteed the loan, because their names are listed on this notarized collection notice.  1911.00.0501
1911 2) March 18, 1911.  A check in the amount of $4068.72 written by Francis W Little to "Myself", and given to D. D. Martin.  This check satisfied the "demand for payment" (#1) shown above.  This amount is the first entry on the 4/15/15 note shown below (#3).  On the back of this check is written "Pay to the Order of The Security National Bank...", which is shown above.  This check is signed and endorsed by Francis W Little's signature. 1911.01.0501
1915 3) April 15, 1915 Summary of debt (Page 1).  These two pages summarize the amount owed D. D. Martin.  Frank Lloyd Wright to D. D. Martin, Dr. is written at the top with the date 4/15/15.  Page 1 includes two loans.  The first is in the amount of $24,435.49 including payments and interest incurred from March 20, 1911 through July 1, 1915.  This includes two payments to Peabody, Houghtaling & Co. for a total of $6,000 and also a payment to Catherine Wright on Nov. 14, 1911 in the amount of $2,000.  The second is a note dated May 1, 1912 in the amount of $4,760.00 including interest incurred from May 1, 1913 through July 1, 1915. 1915.00.0501
1915 4) April 15, 1915 Summary of debt (Page 2).  Page 2 includes one more loan dated Nov. 15, 1910 in the amount of $2,500.00 (due six-months from date) including interest incurred from Nov 15, 1910 through July 1, 1915.  There is a payment of Japanese Prints which leaves a balance of $1,724.40.  There is a total balance owed on July 1, 1915 of $30,919.89 when you add up all three loans.  This would indicate Little's ongoing support for Frank Lloyd Wright.  There is a note on the back of page 2: "Papers  in 4,000 loan on notes secured by Jap. prints." 1915.01.0501
1915 4B) April 15, 1915 Summary of debt (Page 2 Back).  This is the back of Page 2.  The note on the back reads: "Papers  in 4,000 loan on notes secured by Jap. prints." 1915.01.0501
1922 5) Notes for Loan #1 to D. D. Martin.  Interest owed on $4,000 from 5/1/12 to 11/1/22 in the amount of $2520 and interest owed on $1750 from 11/15/10 to 11/15/22 in the amount of $1260. 1922.00.0501
1918 6) Notes for Loan #2.  Interest owed on $4,000 from 5/1/13 to 2/21/18 in the amount of $1395.29. 1918.01.0501
1918 7) Notes for Loan #3.  Interest owed on $2,500 from 8/16/11 to 2/21/18 in the amount of $644.62. 1918.00.0501


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